Hear In Texas

New Braunfels Tinnitus Specialists

You Don’t Have To Live With The Ringing In Your Ears

“The constant ringing in my ears is driving me out of my mind!”

If you’re experiencing the debilitating neurological condition known as tinnitus 24/7, then you’ll be glad to know that there are solutions.

Tinnitus affects about 75% of Americans in some form. In the majority of cases, the symptoms are temporary, occurring after being in a noisy stadium, a loud concert, a night in the club, or near an explosive event.

Those with chronic, ongoing tinnitus symptoms find it difficult to concentrate while working or studying, struggle to relax, or find it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. Chronic tinnitus does not cause you to lose your hearing but is often associated with damage to your hearing that leads to hearing loss.

Dr. Sally at Hear in Texas understands your struggle with tinnitus and is eager to provide answers about tinnitus as well as ongoing relief through management of the condition by a tinnitus expert.

A woman suffering from tinnitus aka ringing in the ears
Ringing in the ear management by Hear in Texas of New Braunfels

What Is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a medical condition that causes the perception of sounds that are not actually present in your surrounding environment or a “phantom” perception that is generated somewhere along the auditory pathway. Tinnitus can present as a ringing in their head or ears while others experience buzzing, humming, crickets, or similar sounds.

The exact cause of tinnitus is not known, but many researchers recognize the condition as a neurological disease that is similar to “phantom limb” experienced by amputees.

Conditions that often coincide with tinnitus include damage to the inner ear (usually associated with hearing loss), a middle ear infection or buildup of fluid in the middle ear, Meniere’s Disease, and earwax buildup. Tinnitus can be linked to various ototoxic medications, high blood pressure, hyper/hypothyroidism, diabetes, and acoustic neuromas as well.

How Can We Help With The Ringing In Your Ears?

Because of the way tinnitus negatively impacts your overall health and quality of life, finding relief from the condition is among our critical concerns. Without a definitive cause, there is no definitive cure nor a one-size-fits-all treatment or program for tinnitus management.Only by seeing a tinnitus specialist can your journey to relief begin.

A large number of products, services, and dietary practices claiming to cure tinnitus make it difficult to sort through what really works and what really doesn’t. Fortunately, Dr. Sally utilizes proven technologies and techniques in order to help reduce the impact of tinnitus on your life.

Hearing Aids or Masking Devices

Hearing loss and tinnitus are often found together. When this is the case, hearing aids usually provide the best solution, serving the dual role of improving hearing and reducing tinnitus symptoms. Electronic devices that generate noise capable of masking or covering up the sounds of your tinnitus are also available with hearing aids and in other forms in order to help divert your focus from your symptoms.

Counseling or Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of counseling that has been thoroughly researched in relation to tinnitus management. CBT does not eliminate tinnitus, but it helps reduce your perception of tinnitus symptoms, providing you with the necessary coping techniques to reduce the impact of the condition on your well-being and lifestyle.
A female patient suffering from tinnitus
Tinnitus assessment at Hear in Texas

Tinnitus Relief Begins With A Tinnitus Evaluation

A tinnitus assessment is the first step to gaining control over your tinnitus symptoms. At Hear in Texas, our personalized tinnitus program includes:

  • Comprehensive case history, including specific information regarding your condition, like how it is affecting your quality of life, any medications you’re taking or medical conditions you might have, or other factors known to present with tinnitus symptoms.
  • Complete hearing evaluation to determine if your condition is associated with hearing loss.
  • Tinnitus questionnaire and tinnitus evaluation measuring the loudness and pitch of your symptoms
  • Tinnitus Handicap Inventory to determine the extent it impacts your lifestyle
  • Discussion of appropriate treatment options.

In some cases, testing by ear, nose, and throat doctors is necessary to rule out other suspected vestibular or vascular medical conditions.

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Schedule a
Tinnitus Assessment

If you or a loved one is struggling with the ringing, buzzing, or humming sound of tinnitus on a frequent or ongoing basis, the first step to managing the condition and preventing it from taking complete control over your life is to get the professional help you need from Hear in Texas.

Complete and submit the adjacent form to schedule a tinnitus assessment with a specialist and begin to take your life back from the ongoing frustration caused by tinnitus.

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