Let’s fast forward a little to the end of your hearing test, where your audiologist presents you with what’s called an audiogram, or a graph that portrays the results of your hearing test. Your audiogram will show you your hearing test results and what they mean for...
Should I Get My Hearing Tested in My 60s?
A lot of people associate hearing loss challenges with a certain age bracket—ages 70-90, approximately. However, hearing loss can affect anyone, regardless of age; we’ve seen plenty of patients as young as in their late 50s, early 60s come in to see us about hearing...
How Do I Know if My Child Needs a Hearing Test?
There’s always so much talk about hearing loss in adults and those who are elderly. We tend to accept this as commonplace and want to help our loved ones achieve better hearing, even though it may be difficult due to their age. Hearing loss can happen to anyone at...